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Eliyahu HaNavi 

Hear The Tune Music Note BlueEliyahu HaNavi. 

Hebrew English


Eliyahu hanavi,
Eliyahu hatishbi,
Eliyahu, Eliyahu,
Eliyahu hagiladi.

Bimherah v'yamenu yavo elenu,
Im mashiach ben David,
Im mashiach ben David.

Eliyahu hanavi,
Eliyahu hatishbi,
Eliyahu, Eliyahu,
Eliyahu hagiladi.


Elijah the prophet,
Elijah the Tishbite,
Elijah Elijah,
Elijah the Gileadite.

Soon, in our days, Elijah will come
with the Messiah, the son of David.
with the Messiah, the son of David.

Elijah the prophet,
Elijah the Tishbite,
Elijah Elijah,
Elijah the Gileadite.



Hear The TuneMusi-Note-RedDayenu


English Translation

It would have been enough for us.
Had He brought us out from Egypt and not executed judgment against them,
It would have been enough! Dayenu!

Had He executed judgment against them and not destroyed their idols,
It would been enough! Dayenu!

Had He destroyed their idols and not slain their firstborn,
It would been enough! Dayenu!

Had He slain their first born and not given us their possessions,
It would have been enough!, Dayenu!

Had He given us their possessions and not divided the sea for us,
It would have been enough! Dayenu!

Had He divided the sea for us and not brought us through it dry-shod,
It would have been enough! Dayenu!

Had He brought us through it dry-shod and not drowned our oppressors in it,
It would have been enough! Dayenu!

Had He drowned our oppressors in it and not sustained us in the wilderness for forty years,
It would have been enough! Dayenu!

Had He sustained us in the wilderness for forty years and not fed us manna,
It would have been enough Dayenu!

Had He fed us manna and not given us the Sabbath,
It would have been enough! Dayenu!

Had He given us the Sabbath and not brought us to mount Sinai,
It would have been enough! Dayenu!

Had he brought us to Mount Sinai, and not given us the Torah,
It would have been enough! Dayenu!

Had he given us the Torah and not brought us in the land of Israel,
It would have been enough! Dayenu!

Had He brought us into the Land of Israel and not built the temple for us,
It would have been enough! Dayenu!

Other songs sung as some Passover Seders include:


The retelling of the story of Passover and the redemption should be a joyous occasion. When the seder is near the end, it is often finished with these songs and perhaps whatever wine is left in the bottle.

Read more about the Holiday Of Passover


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